Natural Lawn Care Tips and Ideas to Save Time and Money

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Last weekend, we mowed our lawn for the first time this year. From the sound of it (and the smell of freshly cut grass), the neighbors are in the full swing of lawn care as well.

We have dogs, children, and a desire to be good stewards of our immediate environment. We are always looking for ways to practice natural spring lawn care. Turns out, there are surprisingly easy and cheap ways to have a natural lawn.

Mow Your Lawn Correctly

  • Mow when the grass is dry to avoid uneven cuts.
  • Keep mower blades sharp for a clean cut, reducing stress on the grass.
  • Alter your mowing pattern each time to prevent soil compaction and grass wear.

Grass roots need water and air. Not letting grass get too tall is essential. It’s also important to not cut more than 1/3 the height of grass blades at one time. This will ensure the individual grass plants thrive and don’t turn lifeless, dull, or brown and dead.

One of the most important things you can do is to mow your lawn regularly.

Keeping up with it makes it:

  • Easier to maintain
  • Helps keeps weeds and overgrowth to a minimum
  • Helps keep pests from invading and infesting
  • Makes it more attractive

Know What Type of Grass You Have

Different types of grass do better with certain mowing heights.

Use Natural Pest Control Methods

Natural methods can effectively control pests without harming the environment. Introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs or use neem oil, a natural pesticide, to keep pests at bay.

Test Soil

To further enhance your lawn’s health, consider testing your soil’s nutrient levels. Soil testing kits are available at most garden centers and provide valuable insights into what your lawn might be missing if you have trouble growing lush grass.

Healthy Lawn Practices

  • Regularly check for signs of pests or diseases.
  • Address problems early to prevent spread and reduce the need for interventions.

Natural Lawn Care Tips and Ideas

Avoid lawn care mistakes that can be costly. A healthy, green lawn makes our homes and neighborhood look nicer, but achieving that goal often requires a lot of work. Luckily, there are ways to care for your lawn naturally, without using harsh chemicals.

Here are some additional tips and ideas to make simple changes or to transform your lawn with a new purpose and look.

Natural Weed Control: Let it Grow

Instead of spraying pesticides on the weeds in your lawn, simply set your lawnmower on the highest cut setting which is usually 3 inches.

Mowing high has other benefits: You’ll offer more shade to the soil, which means it will need less watering, and have thicker turf, which in turn will leave less room for weeds.

Why? Because whether it be your grass or the weeds in your grass, whichever plant gets the most sunlight is going to thrive.

Remember, a dense, healthy lawn is your best defense against weeds. Encourage thick grass growth by overseeding in the fall and ensuring consistent lawn care practices.

Want to choke out the weeds? Simply help the grass ‘win.’ It’s really as simple as that, and you’ll enjoy thicker, more plush grass in your yard as well.

Use natural remedies like vinegar or salt solution for spot treatment of weeds. See ways of handling creeping charlie and other invasive weeds and plants such as bufflegrass and more.

Note: According to The Daily Green, clover is not a weed, and should be welcome in your lawn. In fact, clover can be beneficial as it fixes nitrogen in the soil, reducing the need for additional fertilization. However, it makes sense to not let clover overtake your lawn.

Maximizing Root Growth with Mowing Height

It’s important to know the 3x Rule before cutting your grass. Small adjustments in mowing height significantly impact lawn health, appearance, and drought resistance.

The premise is grass roots grow deeper when the grass is mowed taller. Root depth is typically 3 times the mowing height.

This means mowing at:

  • 1 inch leads to roots around 3 inches deep
  • 2 inches results in roots about 6 inches deep
  • 3 inches allows roots to reach approximately 9 inches deep

Healthy Soil

  • Test soil pH and nutrient levels regularly.
  • Amend soil based on test results to ensure optimal grass growth.

Grass Recycling: Leave grass clippings on the lawn after mowing. They decompose and return valuable nutrients to the soil, reducing the need for fertilizers. Be sure to cut the grass when it’s free of leaves and dry.

Mulching: Use organic mulches in garden beds. They suppress weeds, retain moisture, and improve soil health over time.

Eco-Friendly Pest and Weed Control

Encourage natural lawn predators like birds by installing bird feeders or houses. Avoid sprays which prevent or kill weeds. These affect wildlife.


Many people — myself included for some time — believe having a lawn necessitates using a lot of water. This is not so. In fact, experts recommend watering less frequently to have a well-cared for lawn.

Natural Lawn Care Tips and Hacks

The reason: If you water less frequently with adjustable spot sprinklers for targeted watering, it forces grass roots to dig down deeper (deeper than the weed roots.)

Then when the top soil becomes dry, the weeds die while the grass continues to thrive. Water only when you start to see signs of need in your lawn, and then water thoroughly.

  • Water early in the morning or late in the evening to reduce evaporation.
  • In the hot summer months, you may want to skip watering all together.
  • Use rain barrels to collect rainwater for lawn irrigation.

Tip: Place a measuring cup in your watering zone, and make sure it fills with one cup of water during your watering session.

Drip Irrigation: Consider installing a drip irrigation system for efficient watering. It delivers water directly to the roots, minimizing waste and evaporation.

How Do You Know If Your Grass Needs Water?

Do the following to know if your lawn needs watering: First thing in the morning, walk on your lawn. If the individual grass blades stay matted and down for 1 – 2 minutes or longer, it requires water. If not, it doesn’t.

Adjust for the Seasons

  • In spring, focus on weed prevention and light fertilization.
  • In autumn, prepare your lawn for winter with aeration and overseeding.

Adapt your lawn care practices with the seasons. In the cooler months, reduce watering and fertilizing, and in warmer months, focus on weed control and mowing.

Organic Fertilizing

You want to use natural organic fertilizer, but which kind? Don’t overthink it. For starters, leave grass clippings on your lawn. When you bag them and take them away, you leave the top soil exposed.

This may not be practical if you live in a suburban neighborhood with an HOA. Consider leaving even a small trail of clippings in different areas each time you mow your grass.

As for what fertilizer you need, this depends on the problem in your yard. Get the pH balance of your lawn professionally tested, and then use a fertilizer guide to find the correct natural fertilizer for the job.

When you do fertilize with a natural organic fertilizer, use 1/3 of the amount recommended on the package. Combine this with compost in spring and fall.

Compost Benefits

  • Enhances soil structure, providing better drainage and air circulation.
  • Provides a slow-release source of essential nutrients.

Compost Tea: Enhance your lawn’s health by applying compost tea. This liquid solution is full of beneficial microorganisms that improve soil health and boost grass growth.

Natural Fertilizer Options

The key to using less fertilizer is to use the exact type you need, and to use it moderately.

  • Use bone meal for phosphorus, blood meal for nitrogen, and green sand for potassium.
  • Consider plant-based fertilizers like seaweed extracts or fish emulsion.

Lawn Care Equipment Maintenance

  • Regularly clean and maintain your lawn care equipment to ensure efficiency and longevity.
  • Opt for electric or manual lawn care tools to reduce environmental impact.


By aerating your lawn at least once a year, you can help the grass grow better and reduce the need for fertilizers.

Green natural lawn


Improve your lawn’s density and color by overseeding. Choose grass varieties that are native to your region for best results.

Lawn Alternatives: Who Needs Grass?

Do you really need a lawn of green grass? If you live in an area of water shortages or intense summer heat, you may have already switched to a lawn alternative.

Explore xeriscaping with drought-tolerant plants for water-efficient landscapes.
Consider edible landscaping with herbs, vegetables, and fruit-bearing plants.

Alternatives to Grass Lawns

Grass alternatives are common, especially in certain climates. It’s important to consider how you use and enjoy your lawn. Think about what yard care do you actually enjoy doing? If not, consider the following:

  • Use permeable paving materials for walkways to reduce runoff.
  • Incorporate rain gardens to manage storm water naturally.

Native Groundcovers

Opt for native groundcovers that require less maintenance and water than traditional grass.

Rock or Cactus Garden

Done well, a rock garden can be beautiful, and very peaceful to overlook while sitting on an outdoor deck or sun porch. Plus, you’re saving even more than a natural lawn care gardener on water usage and upkeep.

Natural Meadow and Prairie

I’ve been hearing more and more about converting lawns to meadows lately. Should you create a backyard meadow?

Opting for native plants and vegetation instead of traditional grass will create a habitat that supports local wildlife and ecosystems.

Your cost will include wildflower and wild grass seed (one-time only), then light watering until it sets. Introducing native plants and creating meadows offers essential food and shelter for various wildlife species.

The result is a tranquil space that attracts birds and beneficial insects, such as butterflies and honey bees and birds.

Artificial Turf

Fake grass is popular in areas who enjoy the look of grass but can’t support it. Fake grass and artificial turf is common in the southwestern United States where much of the area is desert.

Easy Ways to Have a Natural Lawn

The good news is whether you practice organic gardening, organic lawn care, or opt for a lawn alternative, you’ll save time, money, and effort over those struggling to maintain a lawn in synthetic or un-eco-friendly ways.

There are many time-saving and money-saving ways to have a natural lawn. At my house, we’ll be putting more emphasis on making our yard more environmentally friendly and on enjoying our yard space than on maintaining how it looks!

Lawn Care Best Practices

  • Regularly inspect your lawn for early signs of problems.
  • Use a holistic approach, combining several natural techniques for the best results.

In order to have a healthy and beautiful lawn, it is important to practice natural lawn care. Natural lawn care is an environmentally friendly way to take care of your lawn.

Lawn care is a necessary evil for many homeowners. Keeping a lush, green lawn requires a lot of work and many people think, expensive chemicals. However, there are ways to care for your lawn naturally, without resorting to harsh chemicals.

Learn more about natural lawn tips:
