April does it all on her homestead. She is a master organizer and efficient in what she focuses on, making her family, animals, and farm a priority. She embraces homesteading and sustainability every day, no matter the weather. In addition to daily milking and tending to her garden and animals, she is a busy homeschooling mom.
Experience and Expertise
- Raises Angus cattle for beef and Jersey cows for milk
- Experience milking cows (hand milking and bucket milker machine)
- Makes butter, ice cream
- Raises chickens
- Owns livestock animals (Great Pyrenees livestock dogs)
- Raises animals in all four seasons with cold winters
- Vegetable gardener with thriving gardens
- Planted a fruit orchard; grows berry bushes too
- Homeschooling mother
- Bakes and cooks for her family with homegrown and home-raised ingredients