Last Updated on October 10, 2024 by Alice Benny
Gold Laced Sebright chickens are true bantams. They don’t have a larger counterpart. Mature hens will weigh around 20 ounces and roosters will weigh around 22 ounces.
See my beautiful Sebrights in the video below.
They are valued for their ornamental appearance which features gold feathers with black lacing. They also have distinctive rose combs that are mulberry or a deep red.
Many people raise Golden Sebright bantams for exhibition (4H, FFA, etc.). Even though they aren’t known for their egg-laying capacity, hens in their prime years will lay around 60 – 80 very small white eggs. People do not raise them for meat.
They are friendly, curious, and easy to raise. Being smaller than standard-sized chickens, they eat less. They take up less space as well; though it’s important to have enough space for them.
They do best in warmer climates and do not like the cold.
Keep reading to learn more about this bantam breed and what to know about caring for them.
Golden Sebright Chickens
This breed originated in England. According to McMurray Hatchery, Sebrights are the only chickens that are “hen-feathered”. This means the roosters’ feathers look like the hens’ feathers. The males don’t have the pointed sex feathers in the tail, saddle, or hackle that roosters of other chicken breeds typically have.
Sebrights are a heritage breed. The two accepted colors are Gold Laced and Silver Laced.
These chickens have clean legs. Roosters have stockier and shorter legs than hens.
Their feathers are short and tight. The Golden Laced variety has gold with lacing in black. They have full tails, carried at around a 70 degree angle with compact and short bodies. They have large black eyes. Combs on females are smaller than on the males.
Personality & Temperament
Though I think they are docile, my Sebrights do not want to be held. I would not consider them lap chickens by any means. They are friendly around people they consider safe. They are very active and a bit chatty.
Hens do not go broody which is good if you want them to keep laying but not ideal if you keep a rooster and want to hatch fertile eggs.
Chickens are social. It’s best to raise more than one chicken at a time.

Characteristics | Details |
Use | Eggs, Exhibition, Ornamental |
Weight | Male: 22 oz. / Female: 20 oz. |
Egg Production | Lays 60 – 80 bantam-small, creamy white eggs per year |
Personality | Active, curious, friendly |
Caring for Sebright Chickens
Backyard chickens benefit greatly when they have access to fresh air, sunlight, and opportunities to forage. Even with a small lot, you can grow a small garden, forage grasses for chickens, or a patch of clover for them to forage in.
My Sebrights are in a spacious, open air coop so they don’t have a chicken run. I do let them out at least once a day. They all stay in the area; I don’t have to chase them down. It helps that I toss out cracked corn for them to peck and forage for.
They go back in their coop fairly easily. Sometimes, I’ll entice them in by tossing in cracked corn in their coop. Have an area for them to enjoy dust baths as well.
Sebrights prefer warmer climates. In cold and damp weather, be sure to provide an insulated coop with bedding and be sure it’s draft free but also well-ventilated. Keep them dry.
Like with all chickens, they will need nutritious feed, fresh, clean water, and secure, protective shelter. They will thrive with opportunities for free ranging or time in chicken run.
The Livestock Conservatory suggests vaccinating Sebright chickens because they are susceptible to Marek’s disease. Always be watching for signs of disease, including how much they eat and drink, energy levels, etc.
Predator Protection
Keeping chickens will attract predators to your yard. Small chickens, and especially bantams, will be easy targets. Learn what types of wildlife are in your area. Build a secure coop correctly from the start to prevent attacks.
The coop should be made with hardware cloth, which is stronger than chicken wire, to protect them from predators. It’s also a good idea to put some kind of barrier under the coop, like a wire mesh, to stop snakes and rodents from getting in from underground.
Be sure to always lock up your flock at night.

Benefit to Owning Gold Laced Sebright Chickens
Something that’s fun with people who own bantam chickens is they really love them. When you are raising a bantam breed, you aren’t getting the eggs or meat you will from standard sized hens. This means there are other intangibles.
One of these things is a community. The community of bantam chicken owners is a significant aspect of raising Sebrights. These enthusiasts often form supportive and resourceful networks, sharing knowledge and experiences, and fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared passion for these unique birds.
If you are looking to raise chickens for meat, do not choose Sebrights. However, if you have a smaller space or are looking for a beautiful chicken with the utility of providing small (but bantam-small, not regular sized small) eggs, you may want to consider the Golden Sebright chicken. They are friendly and fun to raise.
Learn more about raising chickens:
- Preventing predators from attacking